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Does ZinClear®XP contain any animal products?

No, ZinClear®XP does not contain any ingredient of animal origin. Please refer to Antaria's 'Vegan Certificate'.

See the following origin statements for full breakdown:

  • ZinClear®XP- STA901.82
  • ZinClear®XP_65COCO- STA901.76
  • ZinClear®IM_50AB- STA901.08 
  • ZinClear®IM_50CCT- STA901.12
  • ZinClear®IM_50JJ- STA901.1 

And Vegan and Animal Testing Statements: ​

  • STA901.108 ZinClear Vegan Statement 
  • STA901.88 Animal Testing Statement 
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